Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy, Happy 2012 Everyone!!

Happy New Year! I must say that this period of reflection that befalls us each and every year is taken for granted and diluted by unfulfilled promises of more time for ourselves and family, a pursuit of long lost projects and of course, smaller waistlines. I challenge each and every one of us out there, who mistakenly believes that this is the only time of year to make a meaningful pact, to keep to their guns (2nd amendment?) and not let the true wealth of an accomplished goal fall from their sights. What will happen to us, our nation, our little island of stagnancy, in the year of 2012 (and for our Islamic population out there, 1432/33)? All I can tell you is what I know (as an unrefined and unrelenting oracle more or less):

Syria is going to get worse before it gets better. The fact that the current Islamic oversight group, Arab League, is not allowed onto some of their most controversial sites and all of their military bases raising red flags to most all of the concerned Islamic world. The western world does not care obviously.

The United States and most of Europe is falling deeper into the pockets of our Chinese benefactors and it will be most extraordinary of circumstances should we ever climb back out. The US will have to learn the hard way what it is like to not be on top and her constituents will blindly believe otherwise (until they travel abroad and realize the best currency is the Indian rupee and you can’t buy a damn with a dollar).

Basic food staples will continue to rise in cost on almost a direct correlation with healthcare. As we continue to pollute and genetically modify our most basic of foodstuffs, we continue to do hurt ourselves. With 7 billion people in the world (more like 7.2) we shall start on the most bizarre of downward spirals revealing our most incriminating human nature. Shall only the strong survive or will it be just the ones who can pay for it?

Now that I’ve gotten some of the ugly out of the way, I do have good news. My significant other, Omar, has an interview with the US Consulate in Morocco. With every finger and toe crossed, hail marys muttered and prayer energy sent out to the most beguiling of gods and goddesses, I hope Omar succeeds with flying colors and is able to come join me here in the good ol’ US of A. We hope to start our life together here and are able to infect as many around us as possible with our light-hearted humor and good will.

I will start classes at UNCC come January. I need a few prerequisite courses completed in order to apply and be accepted into an ABSN program. After speaking to an old college professor of mine, I do realize that I may not be accepted just because the completion of the courses is so close to the beginning of the program. I am not afraid of being unaccepted, I just hate wasting time. I am ready to start back to school. I am ready to join the healthcare professional world. I am ready. I just need to wait.

I do hope that everyone out there has the best evening and kisses any and all who need a nice smack to start the new year. Make your promises and tell them to others. Be accountable and for goodness sake, pay attention. The world is crumbling around us, get out there with your Elmers and at least try to hold some of it together!

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